Pointe Academy Dance Center- COVID-19 Reopening Protocol
We are taking every precaution necessary when it comes to the health and safety of our students and their families. Please remember these guidelines are subject to change or be revised at any time. These protocols and guidelines are not negotiable. All rules must be followed. It is at the parent’s discretion on whether or not their student returns to in person instruction or remains online. Please continue to be patient with us and if you have any questions, please email the studio.
Students will enter the studio through the entrance facing Auburn Road. Students will exit the studio through the door facing the alley.
Only students and teachers allowed in the building. Please drop your child off at our front door facing Auburn Road. You may walk your dancer to the door and a teacher/staff member will help get them where they need to be. Please pick your child up at the “alley” door. A PADC staff member will bring them to that door at the conclusion of class. All common areas of the studio will be closed.
Anyone entering the building will have their temperature taken, and must be wearing a mask before being permitted. Please check your child’s temperature, prior to coming to the studio. Anyone with a temperature reading of 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit or greater, will not be allowed to attend class.
Everyone entering the building will have to immediately use hand sanitizer.
We will have a staggered schedule set up to limit the amount of people in the building at one time.
We will be giving time throughout the evening to sanitize each room with hospital grade cleaning products before the next group comes in. Staff will also be sanitizing bathrooms before each class.
All of our staff will be educated in what is required by the CDC to hold classes. They will be following the guidelines that have been put into place.
Class sizes will be limited to state regulations and mandates.
Currently masks, must be worn in the studio at all times.
The drinking fountain will be closed. Please bring multiple water bottles.
Please tell your children, no food will be allowed inside the studio.
Our dance rooms have been set up with colored boxes on the floor 7 feet apart for children to stand in.
Please keep Kleenex, antibacterial wipes and sanitizer in your bag to use each day.
Bathrooms will be limited to one person at a time. Masks must be worn while using the restroom.
Hand sanitizer will be made available in every room and in the studio lobby.
Hands will be sanitized every half hour that the student is here.
If you have any signs of illness please stay home.
All parents of students under 18 must complete the COVID-19 survey for their child before attending class. If the survey is not brought to class, your child will not be permitted to participate.
Arrive at PADC on time and dressed for class, the dressing rooms will be closed.
All common areas of the studio will be closed.
Enter the studio through doors facing Auburn Road.
You will be expected to bring your COVID-19 survey to class completed by a parent/guardian each day.
Please pick your students up on time.
No items may be left at the studio overnight, they will be discarded.
The water fountain will remain closed. Please bring multiple water bottles.
Have you experienced a fever, cough, sore throat, diarrhea, and or/ had difficulty breathing in the past 14 days?
When you took your temperature within the past two hours, was your temperature 99.4 or greater?
Have you traveled by airplane internationally or domestically within the past 14 days?
Have you traveled outside of your state within the past 14 days (other than to & from work)?
Have you been in close contact (within 6feet for 15 minutes at a time) with a person who has been confirmed or waiting on COVID-19 test results?
Have you been quarantined in the past 14 days?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you will not be able to enter the studio for 14 days.
If you or your student is ill, or living with anyone that is ill, please stay home.
If you or your student have any underlying health conditions, please take extra precautions recommended by your physician.
Maintain social distancing at all times and in all spaces of PADC.
Every student must turn in a signed waiver on their first visit to the studio or they will not be allowed to enter the building.
Pick up and Drop off only. No parents will be allowed in the building at this time.
All common areas are closed until further notice. This includes the lobby and dressing rooms.
Start and end times will be slightly adjusted, so please arrive on time and pick up on time. Students arriving early will have to wait in their car until their class time.
Parents of students ages 2 ½ to 8 are encouraged to wait in their cars in the parking lot in case their child has any separation or anxiety issues.
All dancers must arrive in their dance clothes. The restrooms are prohibited for changing.
Masks must be worn upon entering the building, while in common areas, and when exiting the building. Masks may only be removed when class has started. At this time, masks are not required while actively dancing.
If your child chooses to wear a mask while dancing, please consult your physician to ensure this is not a health risk for your child.
The entire facility will be cleaned using medical grade cleaner.
All staff and students will have their temperature taken before entering the studio.
The water fountain has been disabled. Please bring multiple water bottles for your student.
Staff will sanitize and clean any surface used during a class before the next class starts, as well as all door handles.
Hand sanitizer is available throughout the entire studio and in all dance rooms.
All common areas will be cleaned by our receptionist as needed throughout the night.
We will have a staggered schedule set up to limit the amount of people in the building at one time.
All of our staff will be educated on what is required by the State of Michigan & CDC to hold classes. They will be following the guidelines.
Class sizes will be limited to state guidelines and mandates.
Hands will be sanitized before and after each class and every 30 minutes while your child is at the studio.
All doors will remain open at all times.
All staff and students mush wash sanitize their hands upon entry to the studio.
All shoes must be removed upon entering the studio and be placed inside your dance bag.
All must wear a mask upon entering the studio, while in the lobby or restroom and exiting the studio.
Dressing room & cubbies are off limits. Please bring only the shoes you need for that day. Big dance bags are not allowed.
All dance bags will be taken into the dance rooms.
Please keep Kleenex, antibacterial wipes and sanitizer in your own bag to use.
Each dance room is parked by 7 X 7 boxes for each student to dance in.
All barres have been marked with at least 6 feet between each marker.
All barres and spot markers will be sanitized after each class
Bathrooms will be limited to one person at a time.
If you are a dancer that perspires a lot, please bring a towel to wipe yourself off with.
No one is allowed to dance without socks or shoes on. For the safety of all, NO BARE FEET!!